
Showing posts from October, 2018

The False Human Belief

As a man was passing the elephants,  he suddenly stopped,  confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg.  No chains,  no cages.  It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time can break away from their bonds but for some reason,  they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.  “Well,”  trainer said,  “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and,  at that age,  it’s enough to hold them.  As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away.  They believe the rope can still hold them,  so they never try to break free.” The man was amazed.  These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t,  they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants,  how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something,  simply b

The Proud Rose

Once upon a time there was a rose who was very proud of her beautiful looks. Her only disappointment was that she  grew next to an ugly cactus. Every day, the rose would insult the cactus on his looks while the cactus stayed quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried to make the rose see sense, but she was too swayed by her own good looks. One summer, the well present in the garden grew dry and there was no water for the plants. The rose began to wilt. She saw a sparrow dip her beak into the cactus for some water. Though ashamed, she asked the cactus if she too could have some water. The kind cactus readily agreed and they both got through the tough summer as friends. Moral of The Story Never judge someone by the way they look.

When Adversity Knocks

This is a story explaining how adversity is met differently by different people. Asha’s father placed an egg, a potato, and some tea leaves in three separate vessels with boiling water. He asked Asha to keep an eye on the vessels for ten minutes. Once these ten minutes were over , he asked Asha to peel the potato, peel the egg and strain the tea leaves. Asha was left puzzled. Her father explained , ‘Each of these items was but in the same circumstance of being in a pot of boiling water. See how they’ve responded differently. The potato is now soft, the egg is now hard, and the tea has changed the water itself. We are all like these items. When adversity calls we respond in exactly the way they have. Now are you a potato, an egg or are you tea leaves?’ Moral Of The Story We can choose how to respond to a difficult situation.

The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Patty the milkmaid had just finished milking her cow and had two full pails of fresh creamy milk. She put both pails on a stick and set off to the market to sell her pails of milk. Along the way she started to think of all the milk in her pails and all the money she would get for them. ‘Once I get the money, I’ll buy a chicken’, she thought. ‘The chicken will lay eggs and I will get more chickens. They’ll all lay eggs and I can sell them for more money. Then I’ll buy the house on the hill and be the envy of everyone in the village. They’ll ask me to sell the chicken farm, but I’ll toss my head like this and refuse’. So saying, Patty, the milkmaid tossed her head and dropped her pails. The milk spilled onto the ground while Patty cried. Moral of The Story Do not count your chickens before they hatch.

The Golden Touch

This is the story of a very greedy rich man who chanced upon meeting a fairy. The fairy’s hair was caught in a few tree branches. Realising he had an opportunity to make even more money, he asked for a wish in return for helping the fairy. He said, ’All that I touch should turn to gold’, and his wish was granted by the grateful fairy. The greedy man rushed home to tell his wife and daughter about his new boon, all the while touching stones and pebbles and converting them into gold. Once he got home, his daughter rushed to greet him. As soon as he bent down to scoop her up in his arms, she turned into a gold statue. He realized his folly and spent the rest of his days searching for the fairy to take away his wish. Moral of The Story Greediness will always lead to a downfall.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There was once a boy whose father one day told him that he is old enough to look after the sheep. Every day he had to take the sheep over the grass fields and watch them as they grazed to become strong sheep with thick wool. The boy was unhappy though. He wanted to run and play, not watch the boring sheep. So, he decided to have some fun instead. He cried ‘Wolf! Wolf!’ until the entire village came running with stones to chase away the wolf before it could eat any of the sheep. Once they saw that there was no wolf, they left muttering under their breath about how the boy was wasting their time and giving them a good fright while at it. The next day, the boy again cried ‘Wolf! Wolf!’ and the villagers again rushed to chase the wolf away. As the boy laughed at the fright he had caused, the villagers left, some angrier than the others. The third day, as the boy went up a small hill, he suddenly saw a wolf attacking his sheep. He cried as hard as he could, ‘Wolf! Wolf! W

Counting Wisely

Akbar once put a question to his court that left everyone puzzled. As they all tried to figure out the answer, Birbal walked and asked what the matter was. And so they told him the question. ‘How many crows are there in the city?’ Birbal immediately smiled, went up to Akbar and announced that the answer to his questions was twenty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-three . When asked how he knew the answer, Birbal replied, ‘Ask your men to count the number of crows. If there are more, then the crows’ relatives from outside the city are visiting them. If there are fewer, then the crows are visiting their relatives outside the city.’ Pleased with the answer, Akbar presented Birbal with a ruby and pearl chain. Moral of The Story Having an explanation for your answer is just as important as having an answer.

The Needle Tree

There were once two brothers who lived on the edge of a forest. The elder brother was very mean to his younger brother and ate up all the food and took all his good clothes. One day, the elder brother went into the forest to find some firewood to sell in the market. As he went around chopping the branches of a tree after tree, he came upon a magical tree. The tree said to him, ‘Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare me, I will give you my golden apples’. The elder brother agreed but was disappointed with the number apples the tree gave him. Greed overcame him, and he threatened to cut the entire trunk if the tree didn’t give him more apples. The magical tree instead showered upon the elder brother hundreds upon hundreds of tiny needles. The elder brother lay on the ground crying in pain as the sun began to lower down the horizon. The younger brother grew worried and went in search of his elder brother. He found him with hundreds of needles on his ski

The Fox and the Grapes

One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,”  he thought. Taking a few steps back,  the fox jumped and just missed the hanging grapes.  Again the fox took a few paces back and tried to reach them but still failed. Finally, giving up,  the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,”  and proceeded to walk away. Moral:  It’s easy to despise what you cannot have.   Nothing comes easy without a hard work.   So,  Work Hard and reach your goals.

Birbal’s Khichri

On a cold winter day,  Akbar and Birbal took a walk along the lake.  A thought came to Birbal that a man would do anything for money.  He expressed his feelings to Akbar. Akbar then put his finger into the lake and immediately removed it because he shivered with cold.  Akbar said,  “I don’t think a man would spend an entire night in the cold water of this lake for money.”  Birbal replied,  “I am sure I can find such a person.” Akbar then challenged Birbal into finding such a person and said that he would reward the person with a thousand gold coins. Birbal searched far and wide until he found a poor man who was desperate enough to accept the challenge.  The poor man entered the lake and Akbar had guards posted near him to make sure that he really did as promised.  The next morning the guards took the poor man to Akbar.  Akbar asked the poor man if he had indeed spent the night in the lake.  The poor man replied that he had.  Akbar then asked the poor man how he managed to spend the ni

Cycle of Evil

There was once a king who was so cruel and unjust that his subjects yearned for his death or dethronement.  However,  one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to turn over a new leaf. “No more cruelty,  no more injustice,”  he promised,  and he was as good as his word.  He became known as the ‘Gentle Monarch’.  Months after his transformation one of his ministers plucked up enough courage to ask him what had brought about his change of heart. And the king answered,  “As I was galloping through my forests I caught sight of a fox being chased by a hound.  The fox escaped into his hole but not before the hound had bitten into its leg and lamed it for life.  Later I rode into a village and saw the same hound there.  It was barking at a man.  Even as I watched, the man picked up a huge stone and flung it at the dog, breaking its leg.  The man had not gone far when he was kicked by a horse.  His knee was shattered and he fell to the ground, disabled for life.  The ho

Unity is Strength

Once upon a time,  there was a flock of doves that flew in search of food led by their king.  One day,  they had flown a long distance and were very tired.  The dove king encouraged them to fly a little further.  The smallest dove picked up speed and found some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree.  So all the doves landed and began to eat. Suddenly a net fell over them and they were all trapped.  They saw a hunter approaching carrying a huge club.  The doves desperately fluttered their wings trying to get out,  but to no avail.  The king had an idea.  He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them.  He said that there was strength in unity. Each dove picked up a portion of the net and together they flew off carrying the net with them.  The hunter looked up in astonishment. He tried to follow them,  but they were flying high over hills and valleys.  They flew to a hill near a city of temples where there lived a mouse who could help them.  He was a faithful fri

Little Boy’s Love for his Family

I was walking around in a Big Bazar store doing a shopping,  when I saw a Cashier talking to a boy couldn’t have been more than 5 or 6 years old.  The Cashier said,  “I’m sorry,  but you don’t have enough money to buy this doll.”   Then the little boy turned to me and asked,  “Uncle, are you sure I don’t have enough money?” I counted his cash and replied,  “You know that you don’t have enough money to buy the doll,  my dear.”  The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.   Finally,  I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to.   “It’s the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much .  I wanted to Gift  her for her Birthday.  I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give  it to my sister when she goes there.”  His eyes were so sad while saying this. “My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.”  My heart nearl

Smartest Man in the World

A doctor, a lawyer,  a little boy and a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small private plane.  Suddenly,  the plane developed engine trouble.  In spite of the best efforts of the pilot, the plane started to go down.  Finally,  the pilot grabbed a parachute and yelled to the passengers that they better jump, and he himself bailed out. Unfortunately, there were only three parachutes remaining. The doctor grabbed one and said  “I’m a doctor,  I save lives,  so I must live,”  and jumped out. The lawyer then said,  “I’m a lawyer and lawyers are the smartest people in the world.  I deserve to live.”  He also grabbed a parachute and jumped. The priest looked at the little boy and said,  “My son,  I’ve lived a long and full life.  You are young and have your whole life ahead of you.  Take the last parachute and live in peace.” The little boy handed the parachute back to the priest and said,  “Not to worry Father.  The smartest man in the world just took off with my back

The Priest and The Goat

Once,  there lived a pious Priest in a small village.   He was very innocent and simple minded person,  used to perform religious rituals.   On one occasion, he was rewarded with the goat for his services by a wealthy man.   The Priest was happy to get a goat as the reward.   He happily slung the goat over his shoulder and began the journey towards his home.   On the way, three cheats (Thugs) saw the Priest taking the goat. All of them were lazy and wanted to cheat the Priest so that they could take away the goat.   They said,  “This goat will make a delicious meal for all of us. Let’s somehow get it”.   They discussed the matter amongst themselves and devised a plan to get the goat by fooling the Priest.   After deciding the plan,  they got separated from one another and took different hiding positions at three different places on the way of the Priest. As soon as,  the Priest arrived at a lonely place,  one of the cheats came out of his hiding place and asked Priest in a shocking

Stubborn Goats

Two goats came face to face while crossing a narrow bridge.  “Let me pass”, said one of them.  “Never,  you get out of my way”,  said the other goat.  They quarrel each other and lost their balance. They fell into the stream down below and died! A few days later another two goats came face to face while crossing the same bridge.  Both these goats were wise and patient. They made way for each other to cross the narrow bridge.  Both reached their home safely. Moral:  Better bend than break.

Fox and The Goat

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark.  Unfortunately,  he fell into a well.  He tried his level best to come out but all in vain.  So,  he had no other alternative but to remain there until the next morning.  The next day, a goat came that way.  She peeped into the well and saw the fox there.  The goat asked,  “what are you doing there, Mr. Fox?” The sly fox replied,  “I came here to drink water.  It is the best I have ever tasted.  Come and see for yourself.”  Without thinking even for a while,  the goat jumped into the well,  quenched her thirst and looked for a way to get out.  But just like the fox,  she also found herself helpless to come out. Then the fox said,  “I have an idea.  You stand on your hind legs.  I’ll climb on your head and get out.  Then I shall help you come out too. ” The goat was innocent enough to understand the shrewdness of the fox and did as the fox said and helped him get out of the well. While walking away,  the fox said,  “Had you been intelligent

Always Stay Alert

Once upon a time,  there was a lion that grew so old that he was unable to kill any prey for his food. So,  he said to himself,  I must do something to stay my stomach else I will die of starvation. He kept thinking and thinking and at last an idea clicked him.  He decided to lie down in the cave pretending to be ill and then who-so-ever will come to inquire about his health,  will become his prey.  The old lion put his wicked plan into practice and it started working.  Many of his well-wishers got killed.  But evil is short lived. One day,  a fox came to visit the ailing lion.  As foxes are clever by nature,  the fox stood at the mouth of the cave and looked about.  His sixth sense worked and he came to know the reality.  So, he called out to the lion from outside and said,  How are you, sir? The lion replied,  “I am not feeling well at all.  But why don’t you come inside?” Then the fox replied,  I would love to come in,  sir! But on seeing,  all footprints going to your cave and

The Lazy Man and the God’s Plan

Once upon a time,  there was a very lazy man who would always look for an easier way to feed himself.  One day while he was searching for something to eat,  he saw the fruit farm.  He looked around and didn’t see anyone guarding the fruits on the tree,  so he quickly decided to steal some fruits.  But as soon as he walked into the farm and started to climb the tree,  the farmer saw him and started coming at him to catch him.  The lazy man saw the farmer coming at him with a stick,  he got afraid and ran towards the forest nearby and went inside it to hide. After some time when he felt he started to move on from the forest and while passing through,  he saw the wonderful scene.  There was a fox.  It had only two legs and still was crawling on them happily.  The lazy man thought,  how can this fox stay alive in such condition?!  The fox can’t run,  how he must be able to feed himself or stay alive from the threat of other animals. Suddenly,  he saw the lion coming towards the fox with

The Way God Helps

There was a small village by the river. Everyone lived happily and offered regular prayers at the village temple (Church).  Once during the monsoon season, it rained heavily.  The river started overflowing and flood entered the village.  Everyone started to evacuate their homes and set out to go to the safe place. One man ran to the temple (Church).  He quickly went to the priest’s room and told him,  “The flood water has entered into our homes and it is rising quickly.  And water has also started to enter the temple.  We must leave the village as in no time it will sink under the water!  Everyone has set out to go to the safer place and you must come along”.  The priest told the man,  “I am not an atheist like you all and I have a full faith in God.  I trust the God that he will come to save me.  I will not leave the temple,  You may go!” So, the man left. Soon,  the water level started to rise and reached the waist height.  The priest climbed on the desk.  After a few minutes, a ma

Mother’s Sacrifice

My mom only had one eye.  I hated her… she was such an embarrassment.  My mom ran a small shop at a flea market.  She collected little weeds and such to sell… anything for the money we needed she was such an embarrassment.  There was this one day during elementary school. I remember that it was field day,  and my mom came.  I was so embarrassed.  How could she do this to me?  I threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school… “Your mom only has one eye?!”  and they taunted me. I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world so I said to my mom,  “Mom, why don’t you have the other eye?!  You’re only going to make me a laughingstock.  Why don’t you just die?”  My mom did not respond.  I guess I felt a little bad,  but at the same time,  it felt good to think that I had said what I’d wanted to say all this time.  Maybe it was because my mom hadn’t punished me,  but I didn’t think that I had hurt her feelings very badly. That night… I woke up,  and went to the kit

The Circle of Good Deed

Once upon a time Shree Krishna and Arjun went for a short stroll around the city.  They saw a poor looking priest begging. Arjun felt pity at him and he gave him a bag full of 100 gold coins.  The priest became very happy and thanked Arjun.  He left for his home.  On way,  he saw another person who needed help. The priest could have spared a coin or two to help that person.  however,  he chose to ignore it.  But on way to his home,  one thief robbed him of his bag of coins and ran away. The priest became dejected and went back again for begging.  Next day again when Arjun saw the same priest begging and he was surprised that after getting a bag full of coins which can last a lifetime,  the priest was still begging!  He called the priest and asked him the reason for this.  The priest told him about the whole incident and Arjun again felt pity at him. So, this time he gave him a diamond. The priest became very happy and left for home and he again saw someone who needed help but he chos

The Seven Wonders

Anna was a 9-year-old girl from the small village.   She finished attending elementary school till 4th grade at her village.   For the 5th grade onwards,  she will have to get an admission in a school at a city nearby.   She got very happy knowing that she was accepted in a very reputed school in a city.   Today was the first day of her school and she was waiting for her school bus.  Once the bus came,  she got in it quickly.   She was very excited. Once the bus reached to her school,  all students started going to their classes.   Anna also made it to her classroom after asking fellow students for direction.  Upon seeing her simple clothing and knowing she is from a small village,  other students started making fun of her.  The teacher soon arrived and she asked everyone to keep quiet.   She introduced Anna to the class and told that she will be studying with them only from today. Then the teacher told the students to be ready for the surprise test now!   She told everyone to write

The Woodcutter and the Axe

Long ago,  there lived a woodcutter in a small village.   He was sincere in his work and very honest.   Every day,  he set out into the nearby forest to cut trees.   He brought the woods back into the village and sold them out to a merchant and earn his money.   He earned just about enough to make a living, but he was satisfied with his simple living. One day,  while cutting a tree near a river,  his axe slipped out of his hand and fell into the river.   The river was so deep,  he could not even think to retrieve it on his own.  He only had one axe which was gone into the river.  He became a very worried thinking how he will be able to earn his living now!   He was very sad and prayed to the God. He prayed sincerely so the God appeared in front of him and asked,  “What is the problem,  my son?” The woodcutter explained the problem and requested the God to get his axe back. The God put his hand deep into the river and took out a silver axe and asked,  “Is this your axe?”  The Woodcutt

The Wolf and the Crane

A Wolf had been feasting too greedily, and a bone had stuck crosswise in his throat.  He could get it neither up nor down,  and of course,  he could not eat a thing.  Naturally,  that was an awful state of affairs for a greedy Wolf. So away he hurried to the Crane.  He was sure that she,  with her long neck and bill,  would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out.  “I will reward you very handsomely”,  said the Wolf,  “if you pull that bone out for me”. The Crane,  as you can imagine,  was very uneasy about putting her head in Wolf’s throat.  But she was grasping in nature,  so she did what the Wolf asked her to do. When the Wolf felt that the bone was gone,  he started to walk away. “But what about my reward!”  called the Crane anxiously. “What!” snarled the Wolf,  whirling around.  “Haven’t you got it?  Isn’t it enough that I let you take your head out of my mouth without snapping it off?” Moral:  Expect no reward for serving the one who has no honor. Staying in a comp

Wealth without a Value

A Miser had buried his gold in a secret place in his garden.  Every day he went to the spot,  dug up the treasure and counted it piece by piece to make sure it was all there.  He made so many trips that a Thief,  who had been observing him,  guessed what it was the Miser had hidden,  and one night quietly dug up the treasure and made off with it. When the Miser discovered his loss,  he was overcome with grief and despair. He groaned and cried and tore his hair.  A passerby heard his cries and asked what had happened. “My gold! O my gold!” cried the Miser, wildly,  “someone has robbed me!” “Your gold!  There in that hole?  Why did you put it there?  Why did you not keep it in the house where you could easily get it when you had to buy things?” “Buy!” screamed the Miser angrily.  “Why,  I never touched the gold.  I couldn’t think of spending any of it.” The stranger picked up a large stone and threw it into the hole.  “If that is the case,”  he said,  “cover up that stone.  It is wo

The Needy King and a Sage

A Sage was passing through the capital city of the famous king.  While he was walking,  he noticed a single currency coin on the road.  He picked it up.  He was satisfied with his simple living and he had no use of that coin.  So,  he planned to donate it to the one who is in need of it.  He strolled around the streets throughout the day but didn’t find anyone such.  Finally,  he reached the rest area and spent a night there. Next morning,  he wakes up in the morning for his daily activities and sees that a king is going for his invasion of another state with his war ready army.  When the king saw the sage standing,  he ordered his army to be stopped.  He came to the Sage and said,  “Oh Great Sage,  I am going to war to win another state so that my state can be expanded.  So bless me to be victorious”. After thinking,  Sage gave a single currency coin to the king!  The king was confused and annoyed with this because what use he has for a single coin while he is already one of the ric

The Eternal Bond of Brother and Sister

I was born in a secluded village on a mountain.  Day after day, my parents plowed the yellow dry soil with their backs towards the sky.  One day,  I wanted to buy a handkerchief,  which all girls around me seemed to have.  So,  one day I stole 50 cents from my father’s drawer.  Father discovered about the stolen money right away. “Who stole the money?”  he asked my brother and me. I was stunned,  too afraid to talk.  Neither of us admitted to the fault,  so he said,  “Fine,  if nobody wants to admit,  you both should be punished!”  Suddenly,  my younger brother gripped Father’s hand and said,  “Dad,  I was the one who did it!”  He took the blame, and punishment,  for me. In the middle of the night,  all of sudden,  I cried out loudly.  My brother covered my mouth with his little hand and said,  “Sis, now don’t cry anymore.  Everything has happened.”  I will never forget my brother’s expression when he protected me.  That year,  my brother was 8 years old and I was 11 years old.  I st

Sometimes Just let it be

Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers.  This was in the initial days. While they were traveling,  they happened to pass a lake.  They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples,  “I am thirsty. Please get me some water from that lake there”. The disciple walked up to the lake.  When he reached it,  he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and,  right at that moment,  a bullock cart started crossing the lake right at the edge of it.  As a result, the water became very muddy,  very turbid.  The disciple thought,  “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?!”  So he came back and told the Buddha,  “The water in there is very muddy.  I don’t think it is fit to drink”. So,  the Buddha said,  let us take a little rest here by the tree. After about half an hour,  again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink.  The disciple obediently went back to the lake.  This ti

Choose Your Words Wisely

Once upon a time,  an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief.  As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man was proven innocent.  After being released,  the man felt humiliated as he walked to his home.  He sued the old man for wrongly Accusing him. In court,  the old man told the Judge,  “They were just comments,  didn’t Harm anyone..” The judge,  before passing sentence on the case, told the old man,  “Write All the things you said about him on a piece of paper.  Cut them up and On the way home,  throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow,  come back to Hear the sentence”. The next day,  the judge told the old man,  “Before receiving the Sentence,  you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper That you threw out yesterday”.  The old man said,  “I can’t do that!  The wind must have spreads them and I won’t Know where to find them”. The judge then replied,  “The same way, simple comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent tha

The Kite without a thread

Once a father and son went to the kite flying festival.  The young son became very happy seeing the sky filled with colorful kites. He too asked his father to get him a kite and a thread with a roller so he can fly a kite too.  So, the father went to the shop at the park where the festival was being held. He purchased kites and a roll of thread for his son. His son started to fly a kite.   Soon, his kite reached high up in the sky.  After a while,  the son said,  “Father,  It seems that the thread is holding up a kite from flying higher,  If we break it,  It will be free and will go flying even higher.   Can we break it?”  So,  the father cut the thread from a roller.  The kite started to go a little higher.  That made a son very happy. But then,  slowly,  the kite started to come down.  And,  soon it fell down on the terrace of the unknown building.  The young son was surprised to see this. He had cut the kite loose of its thread so it can fly higher,  but instead,  it fell down.  H

One who read the future

A man who lived a long time ago believed that he could read the future in the stars. He called himself an Astrologer and spent his time at night gazing at the sky. He was always busy worrying about future and villagers often came to him, hoping to know what their future holds. One evening he was walking along the open road outside the village.  His eyes were fixed on the stars.  He thought he saw there that the end of the world was at near.  He lost in his thoughts about the future. As he was looking at the stars,  he kept walking without looking down. Suddenly,  he fell into a ditch full of mud and water. He was sinking in the muddy water,  and madly trying to claw at the slippery sides of the hole in his effort to climb out.  He was unable to crawl out and fearing for his life,  he started screaming for help.  His cries for help soon brought the villagers running. As they pulled him out of the mud,  one of them said,  “You pretend to read the future in the stars, and yet you fail

A Man with a Lamp

Once upon a time,  there was a small town.  There lived a man by himself who couldn’t see.  He was blind.  Yet,  he carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night. One night as he was coming home after having a dinner outside,  he came across a group of young travellers.  They saw that he was blind,  yet carrying a lighted lamp.  They started passing comments on him and made a fun of him.  One of them asked him,  “Hey Man! You are blind and can’t see anything! Why do you carry the lamp then?!” The blind man replied,  “Yes, unfortunately,  I am blind and I can’t see anything but a lighted lamp which I am carrying is for the people like you who can see.  You may not see the blind man coming and end up pushing me.  That is why I carry a lighted lamp”. The group of travellers felt ashamed and apologized for their behaviour. Moral:  We should think before judging others.  Always be polite and learn to see things from others point of view.

The King and Macaw Parrots

Once upon a time,  there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms.  He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting.  They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.  So,  upon returning to his kingdom,  he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train macaw parrots. The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots.  He often looked at them from his palace window.  As time passed,  one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky,  the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived. Upon hearing this,  the king summoned trainer and healers from the nearby kingdoms.  They all tried their best,  but couldn’t make the parrot fly!  He even asked his courtiers to try to find a way to make the parrot fly but they all failed.  The parrot was not moving from his branch at all.  Finally, after trying

The King and Macaw Parrots

Once upon a time,  there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms.  He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting.  They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.  So,  upon returning to his kingdom,  he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train macaw parrots. The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots.  He often looked at them from his palace window.  As time passed,  one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky,  the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived. Upon hearing this,  the king summoned trainer and healers from the nearby kingdoms.  They all tried their best,  but couldn’t make the parrot fly!  He even asked his courtiers to try to find a way to make the parrot fly but they all failed.  The parrot was not moving from his branch at all.  Finally, after trying

The Farmer and the Snake

A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning.  On the ground lay a Snake,  stiff and frozen with the cold.  The Farmer knew how deadly the Snake could be,  and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. The Snake soon revived,  and when it had enough strength,  bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die.  As he drew his last breath,  he said to those standing around,  “Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel”. Moral:  There are some who never changes their nature, regardless of how good we behave with them.  Always stay alert and maintain the distance from those who are there only thinking about their own benefits.

Birbal’s Wisdom

One fine day,  Akbar lost his ring.  When Birbal arrived in the court, Akbar told him “I have lost my ring.  My father had given it to me as a gift. Please help me find it.”   Birbal said,  ‘do not worry your Majesty,  I will find your ring right now.’ He said,  ”Your Majesty the ring is here in this court itself,  it is with one of the courtiers.   The courtier who has a straw in his beard has your ring.”   The courtier who had the emperors ring was shocked and immediately moved his hand over his beard.   Birbal noticed this act of the courtier.   He immediately pointed towards the courtier and said,  ”Please search this man.  He has the emperors ring.” Akbar could not understand how Birbal had Managed to find the ring.   Birbal then told Akbar that a guilty person is always scared. Moral:  A Guilty Conscience need No Accuser.

The Pot of the Wit

Once Emperor Akbar became very angry at his favorite minister Birbal.  He asked Birbal to leave the kingdom and go away.  Accepting the command of the Emperor, Birbal left the kingdom and started working in a farmer’s farm in an unknown village far away under a different identity. As months passed,  Akbar started to miss Birbal.  He was struggling to solve many issues in the empire without Birbal’s advice.  He regretted a decision,  asking Birbal to leave the empire in anger.  So Akbar sent his soldiers to find Birbal, but they failed to find him.  No one knew where Birbal was.  Akbar finally found a trick.  He sent a message to the head of every village to send a pot full of the wit to the Emperor.  If the pot full of wit can not be sent, fill the pot with diamonds and jewels. This message also reached Birbal,  who lived in one of the villages.  The people of the village got together.  All started talking about what to do now? The wit is not a thing,  which can be filled in the pot.

Crows in the Kingdom

One day Emperor Akbar and Birbal were taking a walk in the palace gardens.  It was a nice summer morning and there were plenty of crows happily playing around the pond.  While watching the crows, a question came into Akbar’s head.  He wondered how many crows were there in his kingdom. Since Birbal was accompanying him,  he asked Birbal this question.  After a moment’s thought,  Birbal replied,  “There are ninety-five thousand four hundred and sixty-three crows in the Kingdom”. Amazed by his quick response,  Akbar tried to test him again,  “What if there are more crows than you answered?” Without hesitating,  Birbal replied,  “If there are more crows than my answer, then some crows are visiting from other neighboring kingdoms”.  “And what if there are less crows”,  Akbar asked.  “Then some crows from our kingdom have gone on holidays to other places”. Moral:  There is always a way if you think with ease.